Enabling a Secure Connection on a Handheld

When you enable secure connections, AvantGo Connect uses the HTTPS protocol instead of the HTTP protocol in connecting to the server during a sync. If the following conditions are true, you can connect to AvantGo Server using secure protocols:

images\bullet.gif You have installed the security module add-on to AvantGo Client.

images\bullet.gif Your system administrator has installed the security module add-on to AvantGo Server and enabled the use of secure protocols.

images\bullet.gif Your server configuration in AvantGo Connect has the secure connection enabled.

To enable a secure connection on Palm OS:

1.  Open AvantGo Connect. See Starting Up and Choosing a Server for more information.

 The AvantGo Connect application is displayed. (You can also get to this screen by tapping the Applications silk-screen button and then tapping AvantGo Connect.)

2.  Choose the server from the pop-up list.

3.  Check the Connect securely box.

4.  Tap Done to return to AvantGo Client.